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I am a Sri Lankan born artist self taught and still learning. The love I have for my country drives me to paint the beautiful landscape and animals that are part of my beautiful island nation. My work is also inspired by my experiences with God specially when I dream. I try to capture what I dreamt by waking up grabbing a canvas and weaving the picture into my painting. I have been fascinated by nature from my childhood and the voice of God revealed through it therefore my art attempts to magnify and unravel the divine messages contained in the environment around me. My work also expresses the inner cry within me, which in this season, is the roar of the Lion of Judah and I have painted very many lions and am known as the lion artist.


I run an art school teaching adults and children. I am also leading many organizations here in Sri Lanka and globally. However my heart is to see my country liberated and restored to it original glory and I am working hard to see what I can do to make this happen. I work a lot with the poor and marginalised helping to give them a livelihood. I speak and minister in conferences and Church settings. I would say my calling in life is to inspire and raise people to do well in life. Art has been my go to after a hard day or stressful time. It calms the weary soul.

Rhuani Rambukwelle




We could do paintings for order. If you are interested, please do get in touch and we will be happy to oblige. Note however the shipping cost will differ based on the country that the artwork has to be sent to and the size of the artwork. Looking forward to hearing from you.

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